We are delighted to announce that our latest version of Portable Mapper v2-23-8 has been a collaboration with JCA Limited
Struggling to find software to meet their requirements, JCA approached us and after a year in development JCA have now successfully rolled out Portable Mapper across their entire arb team.
Working with Luke Wickham, Adie Gray and Andrew McPhaden we created a brand new cleaner looking interface with easier to use tools and increased functionality. A project management system to organise and store your client data, site plans, photos, notes and sketches. A revised tree database to capture the additional information required by mortgage lenders, local authorities, housing associations and large developers. And lastly a fully automated drawing and reporting system.
JCA Managing Director, Jonathan Cocking is delighted by the increased productivity gains within his arboricultural team and is looking forward to working with Portable Mapper on the next project.
On behalf of Portable Mapper, Gareth Shedden adds, "it’s been a joy and a privilege working with you and your team Jon and together we've created something very special. An all in one tree surveying and tree management software tool that does what it should and does it well".
Portable Mapper v2-23-8 is available to download here.